this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

little bit older map with some changes i made in last days

8x edge jump in a row, i think its a bit boring

first half of this map is ok

deleted/changed edge jump part, added kill down of map

You can move to tele 1 on the ground (spawn too lol)

I thought that was the normal way

me too

tele & spawn on ground, skip not working anymore

2 unused env's

no logo needed?

low quality gameplay, I don't think I'm okay with releasing this

especially since I know Silex can do much better

the start is nice

but after that, I feel like it's pretty repetitive platforming

especially after reaching laser

i played it some times and i gotta say overall it was more fun than the new solo map Zap

the 1st part skip is skillfull and fun, but i also have to say that i dislike that u can swing too far left on first part(even without dj)

ok zap is actually pretty fun too:)

i like it, short faily map

like old verifications

deleted env's, added small logo, fixed swing too far left with a bit more unfreeze

I disagree

I also don't think this is ready. Personally I think decline, tried it with some SA players and opinions seemed to be either "Don't release" to "eh it's ok" to "too short and silly"
I found the jumps felt a bit weird in my attempts and didn't have much fun with it.
I feel if a map is short like this it shouldn't feel dull or just like other solo maps.
There should be more that really stands out, I don't feel like this map would be very memorable but that's just my opinion.

A map doesn't always have to contain perfect or novel moves
@Soapy Sandwich
I believe that the community would not be sad about the fact that sometimes maps come where not everything is new

Agreed but I think it should contain something a little more memorable.
Short maps especially shouldn't feel dull or samey.

@Cøkejust felt more janky than fun for me. I don't think we should always have something new but I found the map kinda uncomfortable and didn't have fun with it.
Others might, I am just sharing my opinion.

You will always have people who like a map or not 😁

yes hence why we share our opinions. 1 person liking a map isn't enough to release it and 1 person disliking a map isnt enough to decline it.
Thats why its best for us all to share our feelings on the maps so we can see what is worth releasing

I think this map is okay. Nothing special but good enough

I wouldn't call jumping to some single flying block and a bunch of edgejumps 'good enough'

This map is controversial, maybe we need more opinions? I didn't enjoy this map. It felt really frustrating without being interesting (the parts are really basic). It was kinda interesting to try and figure out how that falling down thing works. If i try to finish this it's for the points (or because of my ego).

mm wish there was more flow esp since its p short

Ok then i will reset again and wait if silex will add 'good enough' parts 😁

some parts are neat but idk

I think this map is okay. Nothing special but good enough I think you and I have the same reaction, just disagree about what to do about it XD

Screenshot me exactly what you don't like. First part, arrow jumping and falling down and hooking is good imo (imo everything of the map is good and enough for release but that parts i won't change for sure). Also saying 'decline' directly is super dumb since i can change/delete parts easily.
@Raviethere are not only jumping to flying block and edgejump parts and you know that.
That map will for sure not get declined and i have no problem with chaning something, just show me the parts and discuss if really everyone don't like it or just my 5 haters don't.

Pt. 1 - ok Pt. 2 - can change if ppl agree Pt. 3 - won't change, you just need to know how to jump and that's the challenge Pt. 4 - not annoying imo, it's just a timed hook, more options please Pt. 5 - can change if ppl agree

Doesn't work well part work well 😁


you need to time your jump in an unintuitive way

I agree with Ravie's screenshot, I have shown map to more SA players and non of them seem to want it. A few wouldn't mind it but think its dull.

if u want more opinions: Pt.1 - nice with skip opertunity Pt.2 - the swing to left is nice, cause skilled players can do it instant. The 1 tiles are meh Pt.3 - i like this actually Pt.4,5 - maybe something else instead of the edges Also u said u added logo, but there is just the "by silex" added. A title would be cool?

last laser and edgejumps are not very fun imo

its just u have to be pretty accurate, would be more fun if it was based on speed instead of accuracy

- an edgejump before finish is pretty anticlimactic in a faily map, maybe do a cool swing or something

It seems like most players don't like last parts and there is not much you can do with it

By players I mean regular players and testers

First 2 parts are ok

3 part it's quite annoying, because at the time you don't jump well, you have to repeat the map and for me that's quite annoying

And ofc, the edge jumps, some of them are really easy, like they don't need a lot of effort and some of them are trashy (the one after laser)

You could rework it so it has a good flow and it doesn't feel like you are jumping all the way around

This is just my opinion tho, as a non official tester xd

the mapper hasn't responded in a while. Consider $waiting?


For me the gameplay is mostly too basic or too randomly faily e.g. tight gores. Some parts are really tight and some parts feel like time wasters, there are some long swing/fall parts, where the gameplay is boring. The parts are okay-ish, but there are not many parts, i really enjoyed. Especially the beginning is very slow and boring for me. Idk what to do and different players have different opinions. Some oldschool players would like the map, but i guess maps like these are a reason why nobody plays on solo (make solo great again idk).

Make it waiting

(make testing lead great again also)


testing lead is a new role so you cant have any reference wether it's currently great or not

so your passive agressive comment makes no sense

i'm just kidding


i laughed

Well, i like the map, simple but not bad.